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Market Research & Information

Status of competition in an economy cannot be assessed without regular market research. Consumer Affairs Authority is entrusted to undertake studies and publish reports to provide information relating to market conditions of various goods and services. Authority carries out studies on general consumer issues as well as specific competition related problems associated with different trades. Generally, these market research studies will be concentrated on:

  • Major sectors/industries with prominent competition issues
  • Market structures associated with such industries / sectors and
  • Existing and potential impacts of these structures over anti-competitive conducts in respective trades.

Based on the findings of these studies, actions are initiated to promote competition in respective markets. Anti-competitive investigations need the support of various parameters of market situation such as market shares, elasticities, market power indicators etc. Therefore, actions are also undertaken to develop a database on market conditions and parameters, which are necessary to monitor and evaluate competition situation in major markets on a regular basis

Last Update: 14-02-2025
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